Corona Virus Update: Beginning to be Active Again
As you know from previous posts, since ACHEV is not a traditional business, church, or school, the board decided it is too complicated to attempt to sponsor in-person activities under the conditions placed upon businesses, churches and schools. We just don’t fit the mold. The board felt it was best to follow the mandates as they pertain to private citizens, since that is closest to what we are, a support group of private citizens.
We have been watching the public health orders carefully to determine when we are able to operate again to some degree in person. On October 12, 2020, it became permitted for private citizens to have gatherings with up to three households under certain conditions. There are also churches and businesses operating under conditions.
This gives us two ways to begin to be active again.
- Under the exemptions for churches and businesses we’ve worked out some options:
- Monthly in-person support meetings are open to ACHEV parents is part of a local church in Ventura.
- Homeschool Haven, a weekly small group for students, is open to ACHEV families is also through a local church.
- Homeschool Story Time sponsored by a local book shop in Ventura is led by ACHEV parents, open to ACHEV families on their outside patio premises.
- Very small and hybrid speaker events are now able to happen at local venues and churches.
Participants need to be aware opportunities through churches and businesses for ACHEV families are subject to the public health order conditions churches and businesses follow under their Covid plans submitted to the county.
2. The general public is now allowed to have up to three households gather under conditions specified in the public health order. That means ACHEV events that meet these conditions can resume.
- History Quilt and Garment Construction groups that formerly met in a member home may now resume with modifications.
- Members may arrange small group ACHEV field trips and activities within these limits.
While these conditions are not ideal, they are welcome opportunities for in-person fellowship. Thank you for your continued patience. We are continuing to watch for updates.
UPDATE December 6, 2020: Regional restrictions go into effect tonight that impact many places of business. Under these restrictions, retail stores and churches have some limited exceptions. Bank of Books confirmed they are able to continue to offer Homeschool Story Time and shopping with restricted capacity. Encounter is able to continue their limited small group ministry, but outside, so we can continue the Homeschool Support Meeting and Homeschool Haven, both by RSVP, but outside, so weather permitting.
As with any in-person endeavor permitted these days, participation is optional. We will continue to have online support as well, such as our prayer meetings, newsletters, scripture memory group, our Facebook group, and periodic online support meetings. Please let us know how we can best support you. ~ Susan Pineda