More Changes due to the Coronavirus Threat
California wide restrictions are in place now, so there can be no more in-person ACHEV sponsored events or field trips until further notice.It is with a heavy heart that we make this announcement, because fellowship is such a central part of our home education community, not to mention the labor of love our volunteers have put into planning our outings and field trips.This is a very good time for us to count our blessings and remember how very fortunate we are. Much around us is changing, but God and his promises have not changed. We have each other. We have other ways to stay connected. This is a good time to check on friends and neighbors.
There is good to come!
Our support will carry on, possibly even stronger. Many of you have already joined the new private Current ACHEV Members Facebook group where we can join in discussions, prayer, sharing encouraging thoughts and scripture, and brainstorm practical ways to help each other.
Penny Ross is still going to bless us with her workshop on March 28, via YouTube Live. You can sign up to get the link when it’s ready. I’m really looking forward to hearing her!
The Poinsettia Pavilion was gracious to allow us to move our April reservation to July, so we are planning a summer dance!
We are thinking of ways to handle our beloved Fine Arts Festival, should we still be on restriction as last as April 25. There are many creative ways we can approach this.
Graduation ceremonies are still many weeks away, but we are working out back up plans, so no matter what happens, we can have a truly meaningful and memorable way to honor our graduates.We trust that God is sovereign and redeems all circumstances for his glory and the good of his people.
Thank you all again for understanding. I’ve received kind words of encouragement from quite a few of you this week. Thank you. I am very grateful to be in this community. The love is deep!
In Christ,
Susan Pineda
Questions? Contact me at or (805) 407-6851.