Includes Lesson Book, Worksheets, Learning Cards (6 decks) and Extra Appendices for Levels A & B
Reproducible Acitivites, Questions, Maps, Research Projects
The complete series; 40 episodes.
The complete series; 40 episodes.
Why Children Don't Think and What We Can Do About It
book is missing from kit
by Connie Laikos Evers
Includes Leader/Activity Guide (2 pieces)
Teacher's Edition and Tests
Tests and Keys for Exodus and Life of Christ plus Home Teacher book
Includes Test Keys for Exodus, Joshua & Judges, the Book of Acts, and the Life of Christ
four items: 1) student textbook and 2) answer key; 3) student test and study booklet and 4) teacher key
4-5 pieces: student text, answer key, test book (please don't write in) plus answer key. 1 additional test book is available as a free resource (no return required).
Student book, Answer Key, and Teacher Quiz/Test/Worksheet Key
Includes Quizzes, Tests, & Worksheets (first 2 pages completed), QTW Answer Key, and Text Answer Key (4 pieces)
4 pieces: Student Text and Key, Quizzes, Tests, & Worksheets and Key.
Student Reader, Teacher Edition, Quiz, Test, & Worksheet Key, and free new Quizzes, Tests, & Worksheets (4 copies available).
Includes Student Text, Quiz book (3 available), Teacher Guide, Quiz Key, and Test Key (5 pieces plus 2 extra quiz books)
Student Text, Teacher Key, and Test Key
Includes Quizzes, Tests, & Worksheets, plus QTW Answer Key and Text Answer Key (4 pieces total)
Student text and answer key.
3 pieces: Student text, Teacher Guide, Test/Quiz Key
Student Reader and Teacher Edition
Student Reader and Teacher Edition
Includes Teacher Edition, Test, Quiz, and Worksheet key, and student book. Student book has writing in 3 out of 8 chapters. No return required for student book.
Teacher's Edition and Quiz, Test, & Worksheet Key
6 items: student text with answer key, student reviews & tests with corresponding teacher key, student quizzes with corresponding teacher key.
Includes Teacher Edition and Student Reviews & Tests Key (3 pieces)
Set includes 7 books and 1 CD: teacher guide, test key, student texts 1A and 1B, student tests, oral mastery exercises, vocabulary manual, 1 vocabulary CD (Disc 1 of 2 is missing.)
7 pieces: Teacher's Guide, Worktext 2A and 2B, Vocabulary Manual with Teacher's Edition, Test Book and Test Key.
4 pieces: Student books 1A (contains some writing) and 1B, Vocabulary Manual, plus Teacher's Edition Vocab Manual
9 pieces: Teacher's Guide, Student Books 1A & 1B, Vocabulary Manual with Teacher's Edition,Test Book and Key, Vocabulary CD, Pronunciation/Scripture Verse CD.
First Edition, 9 items: student text, answers to text questions, tests, test key, quizzes, quiz key, Western Hemisphere Studies & Projects book and key, and Civics Activities Book (2 copies).
Includes Test, Text, Quiz, and Geography Studies & Projects of the Western Hemisphere Keys.
Student Text and Teacher Edition
Includes Student Text, Teacher Guide, Test/Quiz Key, and free Study Outline for State & Local Gov't unit. 4 pieces.
Includes Student Text, Study Outline, Teacher Guide, and Test/Quiz Key
2 copies
5 items: student text (3rd ed), Answer Key to Text Questions, teacher guide (4th ed), student tests, test key
Student text not included. Includes Text Key, Student Tests and Key, Student Quizzes and Key, and World Atlas & Geography Studies of the Eastern Hemisphere and Key. 7 pieces. Some pages have been written on.
Includes Text, Quiz, and Test Keys.
Student Reader and Teacher Edition
Student Reader (2 copies available) and Teacher Edition
Includes student text, quiz book, and teacher keys. 4 peices. Please do not write in student materials.
Includes student text, Review Maps B, and Test Key (3 pieces).
Includes Text key, Quiz key, Test key, and Maps & Activities key.
Includes Student Text and Answer Key, Quiz Book and Key, Test Key, and Review Maps A, and Map/Activity Key. 7 pieces.
History/Geography Reader and Teacher's Edition.
Student Reader (2 copies available) and Teacher Edition
Includes Test/Quiz key and Map/Review key
2 pieces; includes Map Study Skills key
Teacher Edition, Map Skills Key, and Quiz/Test Key.
5 pieces: Student Text, Tests & Quizzes, Tests & Quizzes Key, Geography/Maps and Review book with Key
Includes Student text and key, Geography/Maps & Review book and key. 4 pieces.
5 pieces: Teacher's Edition, Quiz/Test Key, Geography/Maps & Reviews Key, free new Quiz/Test book (3 copies available), free new Geography/Maps and Reviews book (3 copies available). NO Student Text.
Answer Key to Text Questions and Geography/Maps & Reviews Key
Student text & key, Quiz book & key, Test book & key. 6 pieces.
Includes student text (has underlining), answer key, test key, and quiz key, plus home teacher materials book for A Beka Academy.
Teacher Key ONLY
Includes Student Text, Quizzes & Tests, and Map Studies, with all Teacher Keys. 7 pieces.
Student text, Teacher Guide, Map Studies with Key, and Test/Quiz book with Key. 6 pieces.
Includes Student Text, Test book (some writing) & Key, Quiz book & Key, and Teacher Guide. 6 pieces.
Includes student text (has highlighting), Quiz book, Tests/Map Projects and Answer Keys. (5 pieces)
Includes 9 titles. Missing title 2h- Open Skies.
Includes 8 titles: Paths to Adventure, Worlds of Wonder (with teacher guide), Footprints, Pilgrim Boy, Crossroads, Better Bridges, Secret in the Maple Tree, and Pilgrim's Progress.
Includes 5 titles- Salute to Courage, Liberty Tree, Flags Unfurled, Trails to Explore, Saved at Sea; plus Answer Key
3 titles: Liberty Tree, Flags Unfurled, Trails to Explore
Includes 4 titles- Beyond the Horizon, Windows to the World, Adventures in Nature, Rosa; plus Answer key
4 titles: Adventures in Nature, Beyond the Horizon, Windows to the World, Of America 1 plus Curriculum Lesson Plans.
2 titles: Adventures in Greatness (Speed & Comprehension reader) and Mountain Pathways
11 Titles: From Shore to Shore; My New Song; Through the Seasons; Among the Animals; Pilgrim Boy; Treats and Treasures; Heroes and Helpers; Secret in the Maple Tree; On the Bright Side; Swiss Family Robinson; Pilgrim's Progress
5 pieces: Student text, Teacher Guide, Test/Quiz book with key, novel: The Scarlet Letter.
Student Text and Teacher's Edition
19 Charts Teaching Basic Phonics in manuscript and cursive
Homeschool edition Parent Guide/Student Daily Lessons
Homeschool edition Curriculum Lesson Plans
Work text (some pencil writing on early pages), Quiz/Test book, Answer Key, and Quiz/Test Key
3 pieces: Work-text Answer Key, Quiz/Test Answer Key, free new Quizzes & Tests. No student text.
3 pieces: Worktext Teacher Edition, Test Book (tests 1-3 missing), and Test Key
Work Text, Answer Key, Quiz/Test Book, Quiz/Test Key (contains some writing on early lessons)
Work-text Answer Key, Student Quiz/Test book, Quiz/Test Key
Includes Text and Quiz/Test Answer Keys
Teacher key and Quiz/Test Key
Includes Work-text key and Teacher Key.
3 pieces: Worktext, Worktext Teacher Edition and Test/Quiz Keys. No return required for worktext.
Student Work-text and Teacher Key. Work-text return not required.
Teacher keys only- Worktext Key and Quiz/Test Key
Teacher keys only- Worktext Key and Quiz/Test Key
Includes Teacher Key for Tests and Quizzes, free new Test/Quiz book, and free Student Workbook (first 30 out of 177 exercises completed).
3 titles: Stephen of Philadelphia, Mary of Plymouth, Martha of California
Teacher Edition, Quiz/Test Key, free Student Quiz/Test book (2 available; first 14 pages missing)
Homeschool edition with lesson plans
5 pieces: Curriculum guide, Spelling Vocabulary & Poetry student text and teacher key, God's Gift of Language B Worktext Key and Quiz & Test Key.
Uses A Beka 5th grade readers, also available in this library.
4 items: student text, teacher guide, tests/quizzes, tests/quizzes teacher key
Includes Quiz/Test Key
Teacher Key and Quiz/Test Key
3 items: Student text, tests, teacher key
Student Text, Test/Quiz Book with Key
Homeschool version with lesson plans.
6 items: Teacher Guide, Letters and Sounds Seatwork Text (first 37 of 173 pages written on), Tests, and Answer Key, Spelling and Poetry (first 11 pages written on), and Language Seatwork Text (first 38 pages written on).
Uses A Bekah Primary Bible Reader and 2nd grade readers, also available in this library.
Teacher Edition only
Word lists for champion spellers
Student text, Test book, Teacher Key
Student Book, Tests, Test Key
Teacher Edition with CD, Student Test Book, Test Key
Teacher Edition with poetry CD, Test Key
4 items: student text, teacher's manual, test/quiz book with key
Teacher Key and Quiz Key
Teacher Key and Quiz Key
Teacher Key and Quiz Key
3 items: student book, quizzes, teacher key (Please do not write in these books.)
Teacher Key and Quiz Key
Includes Teacher Key and free new Student Workbook
Includes Teacher Guide and Test/ Quiz key.
Includes Quiz and Test Book with Key; some highlighting and pencil marking
Includes free new Seatwork Writing Tablet
Homeschool Curriculum/Lesson Plans and Tests & Speed Drills Teacher Key, plus FREE worktext (first 48 of 170 lessons completed).
Teacher's Edition and Quiz, Test, & Speed Drill Key
Includes Keys for Work-text and Test & Speed Drills
Worktext key, Tests & Speed Drills key, and free Tests & Speed Drills (first page missing).
4 pieces: Curriculum/Lesson Plans, Work-text Teacher Edition, Quiz, Test, & Speed Drill Key, and free Quizzes, Tests, & Speed Drills (some pages missing).
2 pieces: Worktext Key and Quiz, Test, & Speed Drill Key
Includes Work-text and Teacher Edition. Work-text lessons 10-34 (out of 170) have been completed. You may keep the work-text; no return required.
4 pieces. Includes Work-text (9 pages completed) with answer key and Quizzes, Tests, & Speed Drills book (new) with answer key. Work-text and Quiz book are free resources; no return required. (2 work-texts available)
5 pieces:Student worktext, Tests & Quizzes, Teacher Key, Solution Key, and Tests & Quizzes Key. Please do not write in these books.
3 pieces: Student work-text, Teacher Edition, and Test/Quiz Key. Please do not write in these books.
Includes Teacher Key, Solution Key, Quiz/Test Key, and Video Manual (4 pieces).
c. 1984
Includes free Worktext (chapters 1 & 2 have some writing), Solutions Key, Quiz/Test Book (first 5 quizzes and test 1 missing) and Key, Homeschool Video Manual. (5 pieces)
Includes 3 peices: Work-text Teacher Key, Solution Key, and Teacher Quiz/Test Key
4 pieces: Teacher's Edition, Teacher's Edition Lab Manual, Test Key, Quiz Key.
Includes Test and Quiz Keys and Lab Manual (please do not write in this book).
Large bin of supplies, including chemicals (2022), bunsen burner, glass beakers, test tubes, graduated cylinders... too much to list!
Also includes Home Teacher Materials and Answer Keys (Quiz, Test, Text, and Lab Manual keys)
Teacher Edition and Student Reader (2 copies of reader available)
Teacher Edition and free Student Reader (2 copies available).
Teacher Test, Quiz, & Worksheet key, and student text. Please do not write in this book.
Teacher Edition, Quiz/Test/Worksheet Key, and free new Quizzes/Tests/Worksheets (2 coies available).
Includes Answer Key, Test Key, and Quiz & Worksheet Key
Student Book and Answer Key
6 items: student text, answer key, activity & review book with corresponding teacher key, student test & quiz book with corresponding teacher key
A one-semester course, meant to follow Let's Be Healthy.
Includes Student Text, Activity and Review book (1st page written on), Teacher Guide/Curriculum with Lab Demonstrations, and Teacher Keys (5 pieces). Please do not write in student materials.
Includes Student Text and Answer Key to Test Questions
Student Book and Answer Key
A Science Project Guide (science fair, research, oral presentation)
4 pieces: Text, Test, Quiz, and Activity Book keys.
5 pieces: Student Text, Answer Key, Activity Book Key, Test Key, Quiz Key
Student text only
Includes Text, Tests, Quizzes, and Activity Books plus all keys. 7 pieces.
7 items: 1) student text, 2) answer key, 3) teacher guide, 4) test and study key, 6) quiz key 7) binder includes quizzes, worksheets and tests. Please do not write in these books. Thank you.
Student Text & Answer Key, plus free new Activity Book and Quiz/Test Book
Includes Answer Key, Quiz/Test Key, and free (new) Activity Book
5 pieces: Teacher's Edition, Activity Book Key, Quiz/Test Key, free Activity Book (missing 1 page), and free new Quizzes & Tests book.
by Ruth Beechick, It's Not Exactly Easy But Here Is How To Do It
Includes Learning Cards (6 decks) and free Worksheets
Includes 1 audio CD.
Includes Teacher Manual, Readers (3 volumes), and Blast Off to Reading Activity Book & Reading Games with Ziggy the Zebra (each partially used- no return necessary). 6 pieces. Phonogram and Word Cards also available in this library.
3 volumes
Includes Teacher Manual and Readers (2 volumes). 3 pieces.
2 volumes
Word, Phonogram, and Sound cards
Student Workbook (half used; no return required) and companion, Teacher's Guide
Teacher's Guide and free new Student Books (5 units)
(unused - still in shrinkwrap) LIFEPAC box includes: Teacher's Guide, 10 student workbooks (please do not write in workbooks, or purchase for $10), 2 discs
Teacher's Guide, Student Books 1-5, Resource Guide
Teacher's Guide and Resource Guide ONLY
Includes Teacher's Guide and Units 4-10 student books. Replacement workbooks available at
Consumable. No return required.
Includes Teacher's Guide and Units 3-10 student books. Replacement workbooks available at
Consumable. No return required.
Includes Teacher's Guide and Units 3-10 student books. Replacement workbooks available at
Consumable. No return required.
Essential Issues for Beginers & Veterans
2 Titles: The Fox in the Box and The Deer in the Woods
2 Titles: Robinson Crusoe & Other Classic Stories, and A Little Princess & Other Classic Stories
Includes Teacher's Guide and Units 7-10 student books. Replacement workbooks available at
Consumable. No return required.
Includes free student workbooks 1 & 2 (first 9 lessons completed)
Units 5 & 7 (of 10) are partially written in.
a 4-week study
4-week study
4-week study
4-week study
a 4-week study
A Family Production
Revised Edition
Includes Teacher's Guide 1 & 2, Resource Packet, and Student Workbook 1 & 2. A few pages missing. No need to return workbooks.
Teacher's Manual and CD-Rom
Helping Kids Build a Firm Foundation to Their Faith
The real history of dinosaurs
Creation mini-series with Ken Ham
Teacher's Manual and CD-Rom
Helping Children Defend Their Faith
A young earth is not the issue!
Creation mini-series with Ken Ham
Defending creation in a scientific age
The power of creation evangelism
Scientific evidence and the age of the earth
Student text and Teacher Supplement
Includes Teacher Supplement
Volume 2. Biblical Worldview of Self-Image.
Volume 1. Biblical Worldview of God and Truth.
Includes Audiobook.
Volume 1. What We Believe.
Includes Audiobook.
A multi-grade guide for the study of World History & Cultures
A multi-grade guide for the study of World History & Cultures
Discipleship, whole books, and real life! WholeHearted Christian home education for ages 4-14.
Teaching Guide & Answer Key, free Student Workbook (several pages written on)
Teaching Guide & Answer Key, free new Student Workbook
Solutions and Tests included.
Includes Solutions and Tests and Daily Lesson Plans.
Includes Solutions & Tests book.
Tray, tools, and pins included. Purchase specimens at
To be used with Exploring Creation with Chemistry. No chemicals included.
To be used with Exploring Creation with Chemistry. No chemicals included. (All necessary chemicals are easy to find at home or a local drugstore.)
Includes free new student journal.
Includes Audiobook MP3.
Includes Solutions and Tests.
Includes Solutions and Tests.
Includes Solutions and Tests.
Includes Solutions and Tests.
Includes Solutions and Tests.
Includes Solutions and Tests book
For use with Exploring Creation with Biology, 2nd ed.
Student text only
Set includes student text, solutions and tests manual, multimedia companion CD, and audiobook mp3-CD.
Includes Solutions & Tests Manual
Includes Solutions & Tests Manual and Multimedia Companion CD.
Includes Solutions and Tests book, Multimedia Companion CD, and Audiobook.
Full Course on CD-ROM. No book included.
Full Course on CD-ROM, including solutions and tests. No book included.
Includes Solutions & Tests Manual and Multimedia Companion CD.
Includes Solutions & Tests, Multimedia Companion CD, and MP3 Audio Book
Includes Solutions and Tests book
Includes Solutions and Tests book and Daily Lesson Plans developed by My Father's World.
Includes Solutions and Tests book.
Includes Solutions and Tests book
Includes Solutions and Tests book
Student text only
This curriculum contains no experiments or exams. Please do not write in this book.
This curriculum contains no experiments or exams. Please do not write in this book.
Includes FREE Notebooking Journal, 6 pages written in. (Return of Journal not required.)
Includes Solutions and Tests book.
Includes Solutions and Tests book.
Two CD's in one case: full course, and tests/solutions (version 9.0)
Includes Solutions and Tests Manual, Daily Lesson Plans, and Audiobook MP3 CD.
Includes Solutions and Tests Book
Includes Solutions and Tests book and audio book MP3-CD.
Includes Solutions & Tests Book and Multimedia Companion CD.
Includes Solutions and Tests Book (and Multimedia Companion CD- not checked out)
Includes Solutions & Tests book
Includes Solutions & Tests and Multimedia Companion CD.
Includes Solutions and Tests
Includes Solutions & Tests and Multimedia Companion CD.
Includes Solutions & Tests.
Includes free notebooking journal.
8-disc set
Includes MP3 Audiobook.
Includes Lapbook disc for lessons 1-6
Includes solutions and tests book and lab slide set with blood type kit.
Includes Solutions & Tests, Multimedia Companion CD, and Anatomy Coloring Book. Coloring Book need not be returned.
Complete curriculum for homeschooled and self-taught sutdents of any age.
...and other writings for homeschoolers
32 Lessons with Projects
A comprehensive art program designed to involve the student in the creative process while developing observational skills
Choices for a Winning Lifestyle
by Susan Boe
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Choices for a Winning Lifestyle
by Susan Boe
No CD included.
No CD included
A phonetic approach to reading with an emphasis on speed.
Includes Teacher's Guide with reproducibles. Please do not write in this book.
Teacher's Guide
Revised Edition
Teacher's Manual and new Student Workbook (consumable; no return required).
Teacher's Guide
Revised Edition
Free student workbook included. (First 18 lessons are missing.)
A Complete Easy-to-Use Home Reading Program
Preparing Your Preschool Child for a Lifetime of Learning, by Barbara Curtis
A Bible Course for All Ages
Experiments that kids can perform using things found around the house.
30 Scientific Demonstrations Illustrating Scriptural Truths
by Donald DeYoung
100 Questions & Answers
by Donald DeYoung
A drawing and handwriting course for kids.
On the Farm; Kids & Critters; Storybook Characters
On the Farm; Kids & Critters; Storybook Characters
Native Americans, North America, the Pilgrims
Animals & Habitats- On Land; Ponds & Rivers; Oceans
Animals of the World Pt 1: Forest Animals
Animals of the World Pt 1: Forest Animals
Animals of the World, Pt 2: Dry Land Animals
Includes 3 titles: My World of French Words, Puppy Finds a Friend, Goodnight Everyone
Includes Answer Key plus Test Packet with Key
Includes Cathedral (Macaulay).
Civil War to Vietnam. Includes 6 titles and booklist.
From the Civil War to Vietnam, by Rea C. Berg
From Civil War to Vietnam
Instructor's Guide plus most of the titles required. Missing: a Bible atlas; The Greeks, A Great Adventure (Isaac Asimov, out of print); Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare); Cliff Notes for Antony and Cleopatra.
Includes notes for younger students
Uses America's Providential History, also available in this library. Booklist included.
Instructor's Guide plus 2 titles: Amos Fortune; A More Perfect Union
Includes Instructor' Guide, consumable timeline, and book list plus 6 required titles.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus 6 titles: Squanto; The Courage of Sarah Noble; The Matchlock Gun; The 4th of July Story; Pocahontas; Columbus.
Includes Guide and all required titles: Seabird, Paddle-To-The-Sea, Minn of the Mississippi, Tree in the Trail.
Includes timeline (free resource- 2 copies available).
Includes Teacher's Manual and the following titles: The Door in the Wall; Adam of the Road; the Trumpeter of Krakow; Beowulf; The Magna Charta; Queen Eleanor; Joan of Arc. Other required books listed in manual.
Instruction Manual includes book list
Instructor's Guide. Some required books are also available from this library.
by Jay Wile
6Helps & Hints book ONLY
A family treasury of true stories from the lives of Christian Heroes
Complete set, includes Teacher's Manual, Wise Guide for Spelling, Alpha List, phonogram cards & CD, and Rules cards.
Includes book and DVD-ROM.
For use with multiple ages. Covers the years 400-1600.
Includes Student Text, Discussion Guide, and Family Guide (3 items).
Audio CD set (6 discs)
Teacher's Edition with Teacher Toolkit CD-Rom, Test Key, free Student Book and free Test Packet.
Level B
Student Text and Teacher's Edition with Teacher Toolkit CD-Rom.
A Guide to Understanding Essential Biblical Themes
From the Bible Modular Series; Where your Bible Came From, How it Got to You, Why You Should Trust It (student text only)
From the Bible Modular Series; Worship in the Bible, The Nature of Music, Music's Role In Worship
From the Bible Modular Series; Basic Principles of Missions, Practical Involvement in Missions
4 items: Student Text, Activities Manual with Teacher's Edition, Parent Guide binder.
five items: 1) student textbook, 2) teacher's edition, 3) student activity manual, 4) student activity teacher's manual, 5) binder includes: tests, test key
Teacher's Edition with CD-Rom, Student Activities book (2 items).
Includes Student book,Teacher's Edition A & B, and Student Activities
Includes Student Text and complete Teacher's Edition. 3 pieces.
The New World: At Home in Early America
Student Reader and Home Teacher's Edition
5 pieces: Student Reader, Home Teacher's Edition, Test Key, free Test book, free Student Worktext (first 2 chapters completed in pencil).
Student Reader and Teacher Edition with Teacher's Toolkit CD-Rom
Student text, Teacher's Edition with Teacher's Toolkit CD-Rom, free student Activity Manual (page 1 completed).
Complete set is 5 items: Teacher's Edition 1 & 2, student textbook, and student activities with teacher guide
Student text.
Student Text, Student Activities, and Teacher's Edition 1 & 2 with CD-Rom. (5 pieces)
6 items: student text, teacher's editions 1 & 2, student activities, teacher's edition student activities, and binder including: tests (test 1 missing), test answer key, map exercises
Includes Student Text A & B, Teacher's Edition A & B with CD Rom (4 pieces).
Student text only; volumes A & B
Student Text, Student Activities, Test Key. 3 pieces.
Tests 1-7 included; no return required for tests.
Student textbook, Teacher's Edition books 1 & 2, Tests with Answer Key, Student Activities with Answer Key (7 items).
student text and answer key
Booklist for Christian Students K thru 12.
Student Text, Tests, and Test Key
Includes CD-ROM, student test book (first test has writing on it) and test answer key. No student text included.
Teacher's Edition, including CD-Rom.
Teacher's Edition (CD-Rom included), Tests, and Test Key. Some Student worksheets included.
Teacher's Edition, including CD-Rom. Also includes free student book; first 32 (out of 160) lessons completed in pencil.
Includes Student text, Tests, Teacher Edition, and Test Answer Key. Student text has writing on first 30 out of 300 pages. Student text is a free resource; do not return.
Teacher's Edition and free student workbook (first 3 chapters written in).
Two volume set: Student and Teacher Books
Teachers Edition, Part 2
Includes Phonics Songs CD
4 pieces: Teacher's Edition parts 1 & 2 with CD-Rom, plus Visuals. Also includes free Handwriting 1 Worktext (first 17 out of 330 pages written on).
8 pieces: Teacher's Edition parts 1&2 with CD-Rom plus 6 readers.
Student reader 3A and free worktext 3 A & B (first 16 pages completed).
4 pieces: Student text, Worktext answer key, Teacher's Edition parts 1 & 2.
one volume
2 volumes
2 volumes
Worktext and Teacher's Edition
Includes student reader and Teacher's edition
Free new student workbook. No return necessary.
Home Teacher's Edition.
Instruction CD included in book.
For use with BJU Reading 3
2 volumes
5 items: student textbook, teacher's edition 1 & 2, binder with tests, test answer key
Includes Student book (no return required), Teacher's Edition with CD-ROM, Tests, and Test Answer Key.
Second Edition; 4 items: student textbook, Teacher's Edition 1 & 2, binder with tests, answers
Student text and Teacher's Edition (3 pieces total)
Includes Student Text and Teacher's Edition.
Includes Teacher's Edition books 1 & 2.
3 items: student textbook, teacher editions 1 & 2
Includes Student Text, Teacher's Edition (2 volumes) 3 pieces total
Teacher's Edition and free Student Workbook (first 2 chapters completed)
Includes Teacher's Edition with Teacher's Toolkit CD-Rom, free new Reviews book and free Student Worktext (first 20 lessons completed). 2 worktexts available.
Teacher's Edition with Teacher's Toolkit CD-Rom
Teacher's Edition with Teacher's Toolkit CD-Rom, Test Key, free new Student Text and Test Book
Includes Teacher's Edition and 2 new copies of student worktext.
5 items: 1) student text A 2) student text B, 3) Teacher's Edition A, 4) Teacher's Edition B, 5) Lab Exercises
Includes Student Text, Teacher's Edition (2 volumes) 3 pieces total.
Student Text, Teacher's Edition A, B, & Lab, Teacher's Toolkit CD-Rom, Video access and Lesson Guide, Student Handouts.
Includes Student Text, Laboratory Manual, Teacher's Edition (3 volumes), with CD-ROM of Worked-Out Solutions, Tests, and Test Key. 5 pieces.
5 items: Student text, Teacher Edition, Test key, free Notebook Packet (p. 1 is missing) and free Test Packet.
Includes Teacher's Edition, Student Reader, and free Activity Manual (first 4 pages written on in pencil).
Includes Student Text, Home Teacher's Edition, Notebook Packet (first 30 pages missing), and Tests (first 4 tests missing). Notebook packet and tests are free; no return necessary.
4 items: Student Text, Test Key, free Test Packet, free Activity Manual (first 6 pages written on in pencil).
An Introduction to Physical Science for Christian Schools
4 pieces: student text, teacher's edition, lab manual, teacher's lab manual
4 books with CDs:
The Story of the Orchestra; A Child's Introduction to Ballet; Pictures at an Exhibition; Carnival of the Animals
4 items: Student workbook (used) and required readers. Art cards not included.
For success in your career, business, and investments.
Includes the required text by Richard Maybury (2 pieces)
Includes the required text: Whatever Happened to Penny Candy (Maybury)
Includes the required texts: Whatever Happened to Penny Candy (Maybury) and Economics: A Free Market Reader (Williams & Daniels), plus recommended video, Harry's War. (4 pieces)
Includes the required texts: Whatever Happened to Penny Candy (Maybury) and Economics: A Free Market Reader (Williams & Daniels)
3 pieces
The hidden force affecting your career, business, and investments
Includes the required text by Richard Maybury
The Hidden Forces Affecting Your Career, Business, and Investments
by Richard Maybury
2 items: student reader and Bluestocking Guide.
3 titles: Whatever Happened to Justice? Are You...Liberal? Conservative? or Confused? Ancient Rome: How it Affects You Today
Edited by: Jane A. Williams & Kathryn Daniels
A fast, clear, and fun explanation of the economics you need for success in your career, business, and investments, by Richard J. Maybury
An "Uncle Eric" book
A complete self-instruction latin course.
Includes DVD, reader, teacher's guide, teacher's manual, free unit tests(consumable; no return required), guide for unit tests, and reference manual. (7 pieces)
Instructor's Guide with 2 out of 4 titles. Missing Chemically Alive (Cobb) and What's Science All About (Usborne). Free Activity Sheets included (first 5 completed).
Uniting America's Story, Piece by Piece
Instructions for use with grades 9-12 and 5-8, with adaptations for younger grades.
Easy & Fun Activities for Exploring God's World
Full Curriculum for all ages including weekly lesson plans. Includes audio book (discs 2 & 4 out of 10 missing).
Full Curriculum for all ages including weekly lesson plans.
Useable with multiple ages and grades.
Hands-on art for Children in the Styles of the Great Masters
Hands-on art for Children in the Styles of the Great Masters
Unlocking Your Child's Intellectual Potential, by Renee Mosiman, M.A. and Mick Mosiman
A parent's guide to early learning at home, in the community, and on trips.
Ages 2-5
by Jeff Myers
Includes Student Text, DVD, and CD-ROM Teacher's Guide
by Cathy Duffy
The home schooling mother
Lessons I've learned about family communication
Answer key included. Please do not write in this book.
by Margie Gray
Literature based unit studies based on the "Little House" series
A literature based unit study utilizing the "Little House" series
Includes The Little House Cookbook and The Laura Ingalls Wilder Songbook (3 items).
A Literature-Based Christian Unit Study of the Victorian Era
3 items: Lesson Manual, Student Text, Art Card Portfolio
3 items: Lesson Manual, Student Text, Art Card Portfolio
3 items: Lesson Manual, Student Text, Art Card Portfolio
Student Reader, Teacher's Supplement, and Continuing the Journey Reader (3 items)
Student Reader and Teacher's Supplement
A Practical Guide for Grading & Evaluating Homeschooled Children
by Lesha Myers
Includes Teacher Edition, DVDs, answer key, and test book with answer key.
A Christian reference for children's literature.
A Christian guide to six Shakespeare plays
by Peter J. Leithart
A Handbook for Christian Education
Homeschool in Step with God
Lessons on the Procedures, Conventions, and Craft of Writing
Includes free Student Record Book (consumable; no return required).
Includes Student Record Book & Quick Start Video Seminar. Student book need not be returned.
Includes Teacher's Resource CD-ROM and Quick Start DVD
Video series + Instructional Guide
A socratic method for literary education. Includes Worldview Supplement.
A socratic method for literary education.
A socratic method for literary education.
Includes 4 CD set.
Includes DVD and 2 student workbooks.
Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning
by Karen Andreola
by Karen Andreola
A guide to working with the California DMV to obtain a youth driver's license.
7 titles:
Picasso, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Cassatt, Botticelli, Goya, DaVinci
An explanation of the anti-God religion on our schools and what you can do about it!
How to begin your private homeschool in California
Create a Solid Foundation for your home education experience.
Create a Solid Foundation for your home education experience.
What do I do with my child before Kindergarten? For ages 2-6
A guide to private home education in California
A guide to private home education in California
A quick source of basic information on Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Science for parents and students. 3rd edition.
A quick source of basic information on Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Science for parents and students. 2nd edition.
Includes Answer Key (2 pieces)
Text with Answer Key (2 pieces)
3 pages written on in pencil
Includes Text, Teacher's Manual, and Test Packet
Includes Text, Teacher's Manual, and Test Packet
Student Text and Teacher's Manual
Includes Student Text, Answer Key, Test Packet, and Test Key
Includes Student Text, Teacher's Manual, and Test Key
Teacher's Manual and free Student Workbook (some pages completed).
An updated version of the Blue-Backed Speller.
God's Creation Series; The Creation in Six Days. Includes Teacher's Manual
God's Creation Series
Includes Teacher's Guidebook and Answer Keys (3 pieces).
2-part answer key plus free new student books 702-705
Includes Student Text, Teacher Guide, Answer Key, and free Student books 601-605. First book has 5 pages completed.
2 volumes
2 volumes; includes new student units 405-410 (1 lesson completed in 405)
Includes teacher's guides and 10 student workbooks (1 year of curriculum). New. Workbooks are free; no need to return.
38 Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning
35 Lessons that will Build your Thinking Skills
by Nathaniel Bluedorn & Hans Bluedorn
Titles and descriptions of quality books recommended by teenage girls
Titles and descriptions of quality books for girls ages 4-12
Creative games and exercises for inspiring the "write" side of your brain
Teacher Guide and Student Workbook.
Includes Audio CDs and Guide book
Constructing an argument piece by piece.
Teacher's Edition and Student Workbook (2 pieces)
Includes audio CD and 2 New Student Workbooks. Workbooks need not be returned.
United States Curriculum Manual and 3-C set
for parents of children using Classical Conversations Challenge A & B curricula
Includes Textbook, Workbook (used, writing on all pages), 8-DVD set of lessons, Teacher Guide with tests, and novel The Prisoner of Zelda. (8 pieces)
for 2-4 players
Take the role of the disciples in the early church. 60-90 minute play time.
You are one of many people working to build up the town and earn prestige in the eyes of the count by building structures throughout the town. But beware, new events and visitors each turn can disrupt your best laid plans. Make your imprint on Blankenburg to become its most prestigious builder and earn the key to the town!
2-6 players; 60-90 minutes
by Valerie Bendt
Compiled for, but not reliant on Learning Language Arts Through Literature, the Gold Book
Includes 2 copies of Tricks of the Trade: A Student's Individualized Spelling Notebook (consumable; no return required).
3 items: Student book, Anthology, and Course Notes, Tests, & Key
Teacher Book and free new Student Book
Teacher book
Teacher Book and free Student Book (first 2 lessons completed).
Teacher book
Teacher book and free student book
Teacher book
Teacher Book
A Practical Guide to Daily Scheduling for Christian Homeschool Families
by Seven and Teri Maxwell
A Guide to the World of Competitive Speech
3 pieces: Teacher's Guide, Student Workpack, and 2-DVD set.
Intended to accompany the film, Is Genesis History? Includes Bible Study book and DVD of clips from the film.
Covers levels K, A-F, and T.
Covers levels K, A-F, and T.
Covers levels K, A-F, and T.
Covers levels K, A-F, and T.
Understanding the Flow of Thought as Seen Through Art
Based on Francis Shaeffer's book, How Should We Then Live?
Study Guide and Oversized Print Gallery (2 pieces)
Windows On Science series
by Joan Westley
Windows On Science series
by Joan Westley
Windows On Science series
by Joan Westley
A Guide to the Best Children's Literature. 1987.
A guide to the best children's literature
Foundations of Education for Home and School
Foundations of Education for Home and School
by Vicki Caruana - discusses: Testing & Evaluation, Home-based Business, Community Involvement, High School & College Entrance, Traditional Schools, Homeschooling in the Military, Support Groups & Co-ops, Children with Special Needs, Study Skills, Music Educaiton
A Practical Application of Charlotte Mason's Philosophy for Today
Units 1-6
Includes Student Workbook and 2 DVDs.
Used at Ventura College.
Includes Teacher Book and Student Workbook. Student workbook need not be returned.
A complete one year course for high school English or use as a supplement for grades 7-12. Includes Student Workbook and Teacher Guide.
A practical guide to learning styles.
Set of 1,000
The History You Never Knew. The Training You Need to Reclaim Liberty.
by Michael Farris
5 discs, about 8 hours 40 min.
Teacher Guide and Study Guide available through HSLDA.
Written to compliment Phonics Pathways (also available in this library), but enhances any reading system.
A Providential Approach
by Dorothy Dimmick
Includes Teacher's Manual and free Student Workbook. First 6 pages of workbook are missing.
Includes Teacher's Manual and free Student Workbook. First 30 pages of workbook are used.
Teacher Guide and free new Student Workbook.
with audio CD
4 pages completed. Free resource. No return required.
Free resource. No return required.
A few pages completed. Free resource. No need to return.
Teacher Edition and Student Text in one volume. Reproducible.
Teacher Edition. Reproducible. 7 pages written on.
Includes Student Pages and Answer Key (side by side), Student Workbook, and Test Booklet. First test is written on. A few student pages missing/ completed.
New. Free Resource.
Free student workbook included (first 24 pages completed).
Includes both Teacher Edition and Student Text in one volume. Please do not write in Student Text.
Includes both Teacher Edition and Student Text in one volume.
Includes Teacher Edition/Student Text plus free Student Workbook, Test Book, and Daily Grams 7 workbook. A few lessons completed.
This book contains 2 levels; Level 1 has been completed in pencil. Level 2 is unused. Answer Key at back of book. Please do not write in this book.
Teacher's Guide
Teacher's Guide
Teacher's Guide
Student Book, Teacher Guide, Test Booklet
Student Book, Teacher Guide, Test Booklet
Teacher's Guide and new Student Workbook. Workbook need not be returned.
Student Book, Teacher's Guide & Answer Key, Test Book (3 items)
Teacher's Guide plus Test Booklet and free Student Workbook
Student Book, Teacher's Guide, Test Booklet
Student Book, Teacher Guide, Test Booklet
Free resource. No need to return.
Consumable. No return required.
Includes answer key. Free resource. No return necessary.
Includes QuickQuiz booklet
Includes QuickQuiz booklet
Student Book and Teacher Key (2 pieces)
Student Book and Teacher Key (2 pieces)
Student Book and Teacher Key plus Quickquiz booklet (3 pieces)
Student Book and Teacher Key
A Child's Book of Bible Teaching
by Marian Schoolland
appropriate for preschoolers
A Reproducible Workbook and Curriculum Guide
Planning Ahead for College Admissions
50 Veteran Homeschoolers Share...
Includes Student Book, Student Tests, and Teacher Guidebook.
Please do not write in these books.
Exploring the wonders of creation, conscience, and the glory of God
Includes reproducibles. 2 have been written on.
Editing Key included. Reproducible.
Complete Level 1 and Level 2 set includes:
1) Box (Parent's guide, Quick Start, 2 homeschool activation information cards, User's Guide, Spanish keyboard stickers, license agreement, Set Up Your Headset card, Supplemental Education Materials CD, 2 software CDs, 4 CD audio companion set)
2) Homeschool Edition Installation Guide
3) Folder with 4 CD-ROMS
4) User's Guild for Levels 1 & 2
5) Handbook for Teachers Homeschool Edition
6) Level 1 books (consumables may be purchased or returned unmarked): Curriculum Text, Student Study Guide, Workbook Answer Key, Quizzes and Tests, Quizzes and Tests Answer Key
7) Level 2 books (consumables may be purchased or returned unmarked): Curriculum Text, Workbook, Workbook Answer Key, Quizzes and Tests, Quizzes and Tests Answer Key
Learning to live the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Finding joy in letting God lead your homeschool
3 volumes of activities for successful movement education in primary grades.
3-volume set: The Light & The Glory; From Sea to Shining Sea; Sounding Forth the Trumpet
by Peter Marshall and David Manuel
recommended for Beautiful Feet American History
Reproducible. Please do not write in this book.
A practical guide for parents.
A Classical Thinking and Writing Course by James P. Stobaugh
Teacher Helps included.
This copy is an older edition than the one pictured.
Designing a Curriculum for a Christian Civilization
by Rick Green.
12 DVDs plus workbook. Includes Constitutional Defense course, Chasing American Legends episodes 1-12, Freedom is Worth the Fight, and Resoring America's Constitution.
for beginning signers
Teacher's Guide
3 new free student books: Early Reader, Middle School, and High School levels.
Teacher's Guide
Teacher Guide
Coordinates with Trail Guide to World Geography, also available (listed separately)
Coordinates with but not dependent upon Trail Guide to World Geography, also available in this library.
Coordinating book also available: see Geography Through Art
Coordinating book also available: see Geography Through Art
Includes Student Notebook CD-Rom
Free resource; no return required. 1 page written on.
for use with blackline masters or workbooks A - G
for use with workbooks A - G or blackline masters (A, B, and D available free)
The Complete Program for Better Handwriting
(Getty & Dubay)
Projects and Activities for One-Eyed Charley, The California Whip by Randall A. Reinstedt
Projects and Activities for Otters, Octopuses, and Odd Creatures of the Deep by Randall A. Reinstedt
Projects and Activities for Stagecoach Santa by Randall A. Reinstedt
Projects and Activities for Tales & Treasures of California's Missions by Randall A. Reinstedt
Projects and Activities for Tales & Treasures of the California Gold Rush by Randall A. Reinstedt
What the Almighty says about the almighty dollar.
Includes Leader's Guide, Participant book, and DVDs. Please do not write in these books.
180 Word Problems about interesting facts and everyday situations.
Early stages through age 12.
Student Text and Workbook (2 pieces)
Includes Teacher Guide
Includes Teacher Guide
3 pages have been written on.
uses the following resources: The Bible, Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, Time-Traveller Book of Pharaohs and Pyramids, First Travellers: Deserts, Pyramid, Tut’s Mummy...Lost and Found, and Mummies Made in Egypt. (Not included)
uses the following resources: The Bible, Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, Time-Traveller Book of Pharaohs and Pyramids, First Travellers: Deserts, Pyramid, Tut’s Mummy...Lost and Found, and Mummies Made in Egypt. (Not included)
uses the following resources: The Bible, Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, Time-Traveller Book of Pharaohs and Pyramids, First Travellers: Deserts, Pyramid, Tut’s Mummy...Lost and Found, and Mummies Made in Egypt. (Not included)
by Teresa Moon
A handbook of helps for grading and evaluating student progress
Teaching practical life skills in every stage of life
New student workbook. Free resource; no return required.
Includes Student Text, Teacher's Guide, and Test Masters.
A Jam-Packed Guide for Parents
The Complete Physical Education Curriculum Guide
Biblically Based, Eternally Focused
Lesson plans for Reading, Writing, and Math
by Steve & Jean Henrich
The Evolution of American Education
Heart-to-heart encouragement, inspiration and insight for homeschooling mothers.
4 CD-Roms and flip charts plus readers. Missing Reader #4 of 4.
Strange Museum series
3 titles: The Midnight Ride, Pirate's Revenge, Men in Green
Includes CD-ROM and 24 readers.
For Emergent Readers
Includes 2 kits: Level 3 and Level 4
by Catherine Millard
Includes Text, Workbook (first 2 pages are written in, pencil), and Vocabulary & Grammar Lesson Review Bookmarks
Teacher Guide and free consumable Student Text and Student Workbook
Teacher Guide and free consumable Student Text and Student Workbook
A handbook for young writers and learners
A handbook for young writers, thinkers, and learners
A handbook for young writers
A guide to writing, thinking, and learning
Includes free unused skills book
A handbook for young writers, thinkers, and learners
A student handbook for writing and learning
A student handbook for writing and learning
Suggested ages: 10 & up 4-year curriculum is a comprehensive art text and workbook - provides the student with a little drawing, painting, penmanship, art appreciation. To learn more visit
Includes Teacher Manual, DVDs, and reproducible student sheets.
Why it works and why we must protect it
A collection of essays
Poetry and Dictation for the Classical Curriculum
Platinum, version 5.0, WIN/MAC (2010) Box includes 2 discs.
98-minute audio talk by Andrew Pudewa
Introduction to Public Speaking
Includes free student book
Please do not write in this book. Thank you.
Includes Student Text and Teacher's Manual
Teacher's Manual only
by Andrew Pudewa
Structure, Style, Grammar, & Vocabulary
Teacher Manual
Teacher's Manual and free Student Book (first 3 lessons completed)
Free resource. No return required.
1 CD Rom + 9 DVDs
DVDs, Student Handouts, Instructions, & Lesson Plans
4 discs
5-DVD set with Student Materials
Video Seminar (9 discs) and Practicum Workbook
Practicum workbook only
Practicum workbook and 9-disc DVD set
Includes Student Text ( a few pages with highlighting) and Teacher Manual. Student Text need not be returned.
5-CD set plus lesson cards and zoo cards.
Includes 5-CD set plus Lesson Cards, Zoo Cards, and Teacher's Notes. Please do not write on cards.
Includes 5-CD set plus Lesson Cards and Zoo Cards. Please do not write on cards.
Includes 6-CD set plus incomplete set of Zoo Cards. No lesson cards included.
Designed to follow Volulme 1 (Vol 1 covers Explorers to the Gold Rush, familiarizes students to the basic IEW elements of style and models of structures. These, along with grammar rules taught in Vol. 1 are reviewed in Vol. 2, but at a rapid pace. Students unfamiliar with IEW should complete Vol. 1)
Two items: student book, teacher's manual
2 items: Student Book and Reproducible Checklists
Includes Teacher's Manual and Student Book
with Answer Key
A Contemporary Socrates Looks At Power, Pleasure, Truth & The Good Life, by Peter Kreeft
A Dramatic Debate on the Issues Surrounding Abortion, by Peter Kreeft
...and faces the challenges of relativism, individualism and pluralism.
How to decide what's right for your and your child.
Answer Key and free Student Workbook (first 3 lessons completed).
3 pieces: Answer Key and free Student Workbooks for 1st and 2nd semesters.
Activity Box and free new Course Book. Mormon authorship.
New. No return required.
3 copies available.
by Alister E. McGrath
101 Easy Experiments that Really Work
101 Easy Experiments that Really Work
101 Easy Experiments that Really Work
101 Easy Experiments in Motion, Heat, Light, Machines, and Sound
Learning from the original texts using classical learning methods of the Founders
Easy Activities that make Learning Science Fun
Clear steps to easy reading and perfect spelling. Prepared for grades K-2, and useful for late blooming readers. Includes letter cards.
Clear steps to easy reading and perfect spelling. Prepared for grades K-2, and useful for late blooming readers.
Simple Exercises to Improve Reading Fluency
A guide to advancing thinking through writing in all subjects and grades.
by Janice VanCleave
by Janice VanCleave
Over 40... experiments... about the human body
by Jim Wiese
2 books: Step into Writing and Adventures in Writing
New. Free resources. No return necessary.
Companion Guide to Understanding Mathematics: From Counting to Calculus
Please do not write in this book.
Arithmetic with Introductory Algebra and Geometry.
by Ronald Staszkow
Answers included in book.
10-volume set; missing volume 8.
Includes book by Michele Maria Surat and supplies
Includes book by Barbara Cooney and supplies
Includes book by Virginia Lee Burton
Coordinates with, but not limited to, Tapestry of Grace, also available in this library.
A thematic, literature based resource book
100 cubes in 10 colors.
Includes flashcards.
Book and flashcards.
Book and Flashcards
by Liberty Wiggers
A Learn 'N' Folder unit study
2 discs: PDFs and pronunciation.
Audio CD/ CD-Rom with study guides and teaching resources.
Complete Course: 40 lessons. Includes book, audio CDs, and dictionary.
Complete Edition; 3 Books and 9 CDs (essential, intermediate, advanced) plus journal. Equivalent to approximately four years of high school language learning.
Shaking the Foundations of Faith
1 title: Doodling Dragons
For use with Foundations A (some erased pencil drawing inside first page)
Includes: Doodling Dragons, Knitting Knights, and Whistling Whales. For use with Foundations A, B, and C.
16 titles, including the Young Artist Series
Complete set includes 2 DVDs, Answer Key, and Test Book.
Includes Teacher's Packet, Instructional DVDs, and Pronunciation CD.
by Emma Serl
Teacher's Guide and Student Text
by Emma Serl
Student Text with solutions and 3-DVD set
A topical guide for child raising from the book of proverbs.
Includes text, workbook, and audio CD.
Mammals, Ecology, and Biomes
Includes text, workbook, and audio CD.
The Human Body
Includes text and workbook. No audio CD included.
The Social Benefits of Homeschooling
Student Text and Teacher Guide, which includes Student Worksheets. Teacher Guide need not be returned.
Observations & Assessments from Early Settlement to Today
Top 25 Questions Critics Ask
by Israel Wayne
Student text and used Teacher Guide included. Teacher Guide is missing worksheets, lab reports, quizzes, and exams. New Teacher Guides are available on
From Ancient Metals to High-Speed Computers, by John Hudson Tiner
by Dr. Jonathan Henry, from Wonders of Creation series
by Cr. John D. Morris, from Wonders of Creation series
by Michael Oard, from Wonders of Creation series
Includes student workbook and test book. Some pages have been written on.
New student workbook and test book available for purchase.
Includes FREE new student workbook and test book.
Includes FREE new Test & Activity Booklet
Includes Test Book
Includes Student Text and Test books. Please do not write in these books. (3 discs)
Includes free new workbook and test book.
Free Test Book available
Free new test book available.
For use with Epsilon: Fractions
For use with Epsilon: Fractions
For use with Epsilon: Fractions
Instruction Manual and DVDs.
Includes Instruction Manual, DVDs.
Instruction Manual and DVDs.
Free new test book available.
Includes Student Workbook. No test book included. A few pages have been written on.
Demo of the Math-U-See method and use
New student workbook and test book available for purchase.
Free new student workbook and test book.
with Trigonometry
Student workbook also available for purchase.
Free new test book available.
Free test book available.
An Academic Guide to Excellence
by Jean & Judah Burk
Complete Solutions Manual included
Selected answers included in book.
Transparencies, Strategies, and Activities
Foundations of Economic History & The History of Economic Thought
5th ed.
Transparencies, Strategies, and Activities
Identical to Dos Mundos, 5th ed., except the last 4 chapters have been omitted.
Alternate title: Kids' Party Games and Activities
Includes student workbook and Teacher Key. Workbook need not be returned.
Includes student book, answer key, and 2 DVD set. Please do not write in these books.
Includes student book, answer key, and 2 DVD set. Please do not write in these books.
Includes: Instructional DVDs, Pronunciation CD, student text, quiz & test book, flashcards, Teacher Manual, and Workbook & Test Key.
Teacher Manual, Pronunciation CD, and free new Student Book.
Teacher Manual, CD, and free new Student Book
Teacher Manual, CD, and free new Student Book
Teacher Manual, CD, and free new Student Book.
Teacher Manual, CD, and free Student Book (first half completed).
Teacher Manual, Song Book, and free Student Book (page 1 completed).
Christian Latin music & prayers
Teacher Manual, Pronunciation, Songs & Prayers CD, Instructional DVD Set, and free new Student Book
A reader.
Student Text and Teacher Guide (2 pieces)
Student Reader, Student Guide, Teacher Guide
A Child's Guide to Word Mastery
Phonics, Reading, & Printing
Teacher Guide, flashcards, plus free student books A-D
Intended to cover 4 years of poetry.
Advanced vocabulary building from Latin roots.
Coordinated with Latina Christiana I
Improvisations & Exercises for Developing Acting Skills
Boxed kit includes: 24 rubber stamps, Heiroglyph Guide Book, ink pad
3 titles: Fun in the Sun (simple short vowels), Scamp and Tramp (consonant clusters), and Soft and White (silent E)
Includes Children's Workbook (first 7 out of 90 lessons missing), Parent's Guidebook, Audio Files, and Differences Between Cats and Dogs Cartoon Book.
Apologetics sourcebook and teacher's manual.
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 29 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 29 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 30 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 30 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 43 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
Moody Science (DVD, approximately 28 min)
A Home Start in Reading, An Easy Start in Arithmetic, A Strong Start in Language
A Home Start in Reading, An Easy Start in Arithmetic, A Strong Start in Language
For grades 4-8
For grades 4-8.
For grades 4-8.
Oral language manual for parents and teachers of kindergarten and primary children.
by Ruth Beechick and Jeannie Nelson
by Ruth Beechick
for use with Ray's New Primary, Intellectual, and Practical Arithmetic books.
by Ruth Beechick
For use with all Ray's Arithmetic books.
By Ruth Beechick
Includes answer key.
by Ruth Beechick
Uses the Key to Ray's New Arithmetics, also in this library.
by Ruth Beechick
Includes Test Examples
Uses the Key to Ray's New Arithmetics, also in this library.
by Ruth Beechick
Uses the Key to Ray's New Arithmetics, also in this library.
by Borg Hendrickson
Fifteen families show how you can do it!
by Lisa Whelchel, Fifteen Families Show How You Can Do It!
Complete First Grade Curriculum
All pieces included, including Teacher Guide & Student workbook.
This is a complete Bible- based curriculum. Includes Instructor's Manual, Bible Reader, Finding Out About Things Outdoors, and free student worksheets. The Book, Science With Plants is not included.
Includes Teacher's Manual, The Story of the U.S., and State sheets and flashcards. Other required books are listed in the teacher's manual.
God's Wonderful Works, also available in this library, is a required book in this curriculum.
Bible, History, and English lesson plans. This library also has some titles you will need for the curriculum.
Also includes Ancient Literature Supplement with Grammar and Composition.
Bible, History, and English lesson plans. This library also has some titles you will need for the curriculum.
Also includes Ancient Literature Supplement with Grammar and Composition.
Teacher's Manual. Book list included; some books available in this library.
Teacher's Manual, plus Exploring American History by D.H. Montgomery and The Complete Book of Animals (for loan or for purchase). Other books are required; may be found at local library. Plans also include Bible, Geography, Science, Reading, Music, and Art. Includes lesson plans for siblings in grades 2 & 3.
Teacher's Manual. Other books are required; may be found at local library. Plans also include Bible, Geography, Science, Reading, Music, and Art. Includes lesson plans for siblings in grades 2 & 3.
All-inclusive curriculum includes book list and curriculum suggestions for each subject. Also includes Parent/Teacher Supplement, Student Sheets , and Kingdom Tales currency kit for 1-4 children.
For use with, but not limited to, Adventures in US History.
For use with (but not restricted to) My Father's World curruculum.
Adapted from Primary Language Lessons by Emma Serl
Adapted from Intermediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl
The dangers of government-funded homeschooling.
4 items: DVD education edition movie, lesson plan booklet, copy of the consitution, and large poster
An Introduction to Aerodynamics
by Wayne Hosking
How to Say What You Mean to Say
Understanding Fiction
Teacher handbook
Consumable Student Workbook. No return required.
New consumable Student Workbook. No return required.
Student Text
A program for expository writing
How to take advantage of your learning styles
with Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.
Child Training for Homeschool Families
3 volumes
A Biblical View of Earth Science and History
7 pieces: Student Text parts 1 & 2, We The People, Lesson Review, Maps, Timeline, and Answer Key.
3 pieces: 2-volume student text and We the People source documents
Includes 6 pieces: Student Texts Part I & II, American Voices, Student Review, Quiz & Exam Book, and Answer Key.
Includes Student Texts Part I & II, American Voices, Student Review, Quiz & Exam Book, and Answer Key.
Includes Student Text Part II, American Voices, Student Review, Quiz & Exam Book (unit exams only), and Answer Key.
MISSING Student Text Part I
Includes Student Text vol 1 & 2, Student Review, Quiz & Exam Book, and Answer Key. Missing American Voices.
Includes Student Text, We Hold These Truths, Quiz & Exam Book, and Answer Key.
Includes Student Text, We Hold These Truths, and Quiz/Exam Answer Key. Quiz and Exam book missing.
Includes Student Texts 1 and 2, In Their Words, Student Review, Quiz & Exam book, and Answer Key.
Includes Student Text Parts 1 & 2, In Their Words, Student Review, Quiz & Exam book, and Answer Key. (6 pieces)
Student Text Parts 1 & 2, In Their Words, Student Review, Quiz & Exam Book, and Answer Key
Includes Student Texts 1 and 2, In Their Words, Student Review, Quiz & Exam book, and Answer Key.
World History with Literature
10- piece set includes Student Readers vol 1 & 2, Our Creative World, Lesson Review, Answer Key, and 5 of 10 literature titles.
A Guide to Worthy Books Based on Historical Setting
10-book series, plus teaching guides through 1860. 15 pieces total.
Book 7 is 2nd ed. 11 pieces
Includes Teacher Guide and consumable Student Sheets (no return required)- 3 copies of student sheets available.
Includes Reader and Study Guide
When we pray God works
Reader, Teacher's Edition, and free new workbook
Includes 2 readers, Teacher's Edition, and free new workbook for Busy Times
Includes 2 Readers and Teacher's Edition
Includes reader and Teacher's Edition workbook
Includes 2 Readers, Teacher's Edition, and free new workbooks.
Includes Teacher's Edition - 3 pieces
Student Reader, Teacher's Edition, and free new Workbook
2 Readers and free new workbooks. Teacher Edition for More New Friends included.
Includes 2 Readers
Reader, new free Workbook, and Teacher's Edition
Student reader, Teacher's Edition, and free new Workbook.
Free resource. No return required.
Free resource. No return required.
Free resource. No return required.
Includes Tests & Answer Key plus Activity Book.
History for the Classical Child: From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor.
7 CD's (unabridged, approx 7 hours), read by Jim Weiss
History for the Classical Child: From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor.
7 CD's (unabridged, approx 7 hours), read by Jim Weiss
History for the Classical Child: From Victoria's Empire to the End of the USSR
11CD's (unabridged, approx 12 hours), read by Jim Weiss
Includes Teaching Manual with answer key and Workbook. Worksheets for the first 14 (out of 114) lessons are missing from the workbook. You may keep the workbook. It does not need to be returned.
Teacher's Manual with Answer Key plus free student workbook (first 6 out of 89 lessons completed).
Teacher's Manual with Answer Key
The Ordinary Parents' Guide
by Susan Wise Bauer
Includes CD: Writing Without Fear
by Susan Wise Bauer
by Jessie Wise and Sara Buffington
Free new consumables. Includes Instructor Section and Student Workbook. Coordinates with the Writing With Ease book, also available in this library.
2 copies of level 3 available. No return required.
Instructor Text and Student Workbook (workbook need not be returned).
Level 5 of the Complete Writer
by Susan Wise Bauer
Instructor Text
Companion workbook also available, for loan or purchase.
For use with Foundations, Essentials, Sounding Out the Sight Words, and Logic of English Game Book
For use with Foundations, Essentials, and Sounding Out the Sight Words
Includes Level B Cursive Workbook (You may keep and use the consumable student workbook.)
For use with Foundations, Essentials, and Sounding Out the Sight Words resoureces
For use with Foundations, Essentials, and Sounding Out the Sight Words
For use with: Rhythm of Handwriting, Foundations A, Foundations B, and Essentials 1-7 Struggling Reader Set
Collection One
Dynamic way to learn and retain bible truths with drawing.
2-volume teaching manual, CD-Rom, Student Tests, and Answer Keys
A Guide to American History through Literature
A Guide to American History through Literature
Step Into History! Take up the mantle of the workd's most (in)famous rulers. Compete across time against Alexander the Great, Cleopatra VII, Suleiman the Magnificent, or Quieen Elizabeth I, as a regent seeking to amass the greatest civilization in history, Be the first to assemble a diverse domain consisting of six distinct castes of citizens to reign supreme!
2-6 players; 20-40 minutes
Math, as serious as it needs to be.
Book 1 in the elementary series.
Math, as serious as it needs to be.
Book 2 in the elementary series.
Math, as serious as it needs to be.
Book 3 in the elementary series.
Math, as serious as it needs to be.
Book 4 in the elementary series.
Includes Teacher Manual, Card Set, and new free Student Workbook.
Student Book (2 copies available) and Teacher Manual
With 4 magnifications: x4, x10, x40, x100
Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the 8- to 12-Year-Old Child
Your Complete Guide to Getting Off to the Right Start
Reproducible pages.
30 Amazing Projects the Explore the Wonders of God's Creation
30 Amazing Projects that Explore the Wonders of God's Creation
Student Book
Student book
Ancient Americans through the Gold Rush
Revised by Sandi Queen
The Ultimate Trivia Adventure!
A New Approach to Your Child's Education
1 audio CD and 1 DVD
Choices for a Winning Lifestyle
Includes Test & Quiz Master Book (2 pieces total)
Student Text and Teacher's Manual
3 volumes
We Learn About God, We Learn More About God, and We Learn About God's People (Units 1-5)
Also includes free worksheets for Units 2-4 (lessons 1-6 have been used).
2 volumes plus Teacher's Manual
Student Reader and free new Workbook
Includes Student Book and Teacher's Manual
Student book only.
Teachers manual and student book.
Student Book, Teacher's Manual, and Tests.
Student Book and Teacher's Manual
Student Book and Tests only.
Student Book, Teacher's Manual, Tests, & Worksheets.
Includes Teacher's Manual and Student Text. Also included are Worksheet and Test Books, though partially completed. No need to return Worksheet and Test Books.
Student Book, Teacher's Manual, Worksheets and Tests.
Includes Student Book, Teacher's Manual, Worksheets (for extra practice), and Tests. Consumables need not be returned.
Student Book, Teacher's Manual, Worksheets (for extra practice), and Tests
Includes Teacher's Manual, Student Book, Worksheets (2 available), and Tests (2 available)
Includes Teacher's Manual, Student Book, Worksheets, and Tests
Student Book and Teacher's Manual
Teacher's Manual & Student Text. Includes free Tests & Editing Sheets (2 copies available).
9 titles. Reading practice for the Bible Nurture and Reader grade 1 series, also available in this library.
A compilation of poems graded and designed for use in the Christian school and home
6 titles. Bible stories for beginning readers.
Teacher Manual and free student workbook (first page written on).
Teacher's Manual
Annotated Teacher's Manual
Teacher Manual and free Student Workbook (first 14 pages written on).
Studen Book and Teacher's Manual
Student book only.
Student Text, Teacher's Manual, and Blacklines Answer Key
Student Text and Teacher's Manual.
Intended to cover both 9th & 10th grades.
Version 3
Includes 6-disc CD-Rom set, Audio Companion MP3s (2 discs), Supplemental Materials CD, User's Guide, Parent's Guide, headset, and level 1 Daily Lesson Plans by My Father's World.
Version 3
Includes 6-disc CD-Rom set, Audio Companion MP3s (2 discs), Supplemental Materials CD, User's Guide, Parent's Guide, and level 1 Student Workbook with Answer Key.
Student text, Test Forms, Homeschool Packet, and Solutions Manual. Please do not write in these books.
Includes Student Text and Homeschool Packet (answer key)
Includes Text, Solutions Manual, Test Forms, and Homeschool Packet with answer key, plus Saxon Teacher Lesson and Test CDs (5 discs). 5 pieces.
Textbook, Homeschool Packet, Test Forms
Includes Student Text, Solutions Manual, and Home Study Packet with Test Forms.
3 items: Texbook, Test Forms, and Homeschool Packet (contains test solutions and problem set answers).
Student Text, Solutions Manual, and Homeschool Packet
Includes Student Book, Teacher Edition, Test Forms, and Answer Key.
Includes Student Book and Homeschool Packet (tests and answer key).
Includes student text, homeschool packet, test forms, and solutions manual.
Includes student text, homeschool packet, and test forms.
Includes Student Text, Test Forms, and Homeschool Packet (tests and answer key)
Includes Student Text, Solutions Manual, and Homeschool Testing Book with answer key. 3 pieces.
5-disc set to be used with Saxon Algebra 2
with Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
Includes Student Text, Answer Key, and Test Book with solutions
Includes DIVE Instructional CD, Solutions Manual, and Homeschool Testing Book. No student text included.
Home Study Teacher's Manual, home study meeting book, and flashcards.
Home Study Teacher's Edition. Includes free home study meeting book.
Includes Student Text and Tests & Worksheets. Solutions Manual not available.
Student Text, Tests & Worksheets, and Solutions Manual
Includes Homeschool Packet (answer key) and Test Forms
Includes Home Study Packet (answer key and test forms)
Student Text, Home Study Packet (includes answser key) and Test Forms
Includes Solutions Manual, DIVE Instructional CD and free new Student Text and Tests & Worksheets book (some pages missing).
Includes Student Text, Tests and Worksheets, & Solutions Manual.
Includes Student text and Tests & Worksheets book
Includes Student text, DIVE Instructional CD, Tests & Worksheets, and Solutions Manual.
Includes Student text, Tests & Worksheets, and Solutions Manual.
2nd ed, 3 items: student text, test forms (missing several pages), answer key
Homeschool edition. Student Text, Solutions Manual, Tests & Worksheets (first page written on; 2 copies available).
Homeschool Solutions Manual, DIVE Instructional CD, and Tests & Worksheets ONLY
Homeschool edition. Student Text, Solutions Manual, Tests and Worksheets.
6 items: Student Book, Solutions Manual, Homeschool Testing Book, free new Student Pack: Workbook, Written Practice, and Power Up books need not be returned.
How homeschool parents can successfully use Saxon math books- and save money!
Teacher's Guide, cards, and free student workbook
Contains 18 large books and parent guide
12 titles for the advancing beginner
23 titles. Missing book 8.
3 titles:
Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi
Sir Cumference and the Sword in the Cone
Sir Cumference and the First Round Table
Teacher's Guide, Answer Key, Additional Lesson Exercises, and Reproducible Tests with Answer Key
New. Free resource. No return necessary.
Includes answer key. No return necessary.
Teacher's Manual with CD and free new Student Workbook.
Includes Jingles & Introductory Sentences CD.
Teacher's Manual and free new Student Workbook.
Includes Teacher's Manual and free new Student Workbook. Missing Jingles & Introductory Sentences CD.
Includes Jingles & Introductory Sentences CD plus Practice Sentences CDs.
Includes Jingles & Introductory Sentences CD
Includes Jingles & Introductory Sentences CD
by Siegfried Engelmann
A Treasury of Great Moral Stories
History, Geography, and Bible
A family study handbook
A Year of Lesson Plans
History, Geography, and Bible
History, Geography, and Bible
Learn today's 6,000 most frequently used words presented in the writings of great men and women of history.
A fun way to practice math and learn business skills!
A family study handbook
A Family Study Handbook
Includes Textbook, Home Instructor's Guide, and partially used (FREE) workbook. No need to return workbook.
New. Free resource. No return required.
Stnadards Edition.
Includes test books. Unit 1 and most of Unit 2 tests are missing.
Includes textbooks, workbooks, and home instructor guides. 6 pieces.
A Conversational Handbook for the Thoroughly Befuddled
by Josh Rappaport
Guide and Student Workbook Included. Please do not write in these books.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4-day schedule and Markable Map. Missing: Window on the World (Spraggett).
Also includes Instructor's Guide for Language Arts 2 (Easy Readers) and Language Arts 3 (Advanced Reading with Chapter Books) with some books. Book lists included.
From the private library of Andie Savard.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4- or 5-day schedule. Missing: From Akebu to Zapotec (Heathersmith); A Child's History of the World (Hillyer); Green Eggs and Ham (Seuss); Mr. Popper's Penguins (Atwater); Follow My Leader (Garfield)
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books, plus notes for Beginning Readers (book list included).
Missing: A Child's History of the World (Hillyer).
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4- or 5-day schedule. Missing: A Child's History of the World (Hillyer); The Greek News (Steele); Favorite Poems of Childhood (Smith); Mr. Popper's Penguins (Atwater); Heidi (Spyri).
Includes Instructor's Guide plus complete set for Bible, History, Geography, and Literature. Missing The Bible Jesus Read (Yancy).
Includes Instructor's Guide and the A History of US 10-book series, plus 1 out of 32 titles for history and literature. Book list included.
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: Geography Songs CD, A Child's History of the World (Hillyer), Time Travelers: Vikings (Usborne), Time Travelers: Knights and Castles (Usborne), Tales of Robin Hood (Usborne). You will also need The Beginner's Bible and 8 Readers, available at your local library.
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus Bible, History, and Literature books for the 4- or 5-day schedule. Missing: Geography Songs CD, The Little Riders (Shemin).
Includes Instructor's Guide plus Bible, History, and Literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: A Child's History of the World (Hillyer); Geography Songs CD (Troxel); The Tales of Robin Hood (Allan); The Twenty-One Balloons (DuBois); The Little Riders (Shemin).
Includes Instructor's Guide plus all History and Literature titles and some Bible titles.
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus Bible, History and Literature titles. Missing: The Church of the East (Holzmann), How to Read Church History, vol 1 & 2 (Comby) (substitute titles included in box), The Flames of Rome (Maier), A Child's Anthology of Poetry (Sword), A Christmas Carol (Dickens), Treasure Island (Stevenson).
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 5-day schedule. Missing: Story of the USA books 1-4 (Escher), The Great Turkey Walk (Karr).
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: American Indian Prayer Guide (Maloof), The Landmark History of the American People, Vol 1 (Boorstin), Classic Poetry (Rosen).
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: The Story of the USA, book 2 (Escher); Robert Fulton, Boy Craftsman (Henry); Calico Bush (Field). Some advanced readers included, 6 titles missing. Book list included.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4- or 5-day schedule. Missing: The Discoverer's Bible for Young Readers (NIrV), and Classic Poetry (Rosen). For the 5-day schedule, missing The Secret of the Andes (Clark).
Includes Instructor's Guide plus Bible, history, and literature books. Missing: How to Ruin Your Life By 30 (Farrar).
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes History Parent Guide and Literature Student Guide plus history and literature books. Missing Know What You Believe (Little); Know Why You Believe (Little); The Visual History of the Modern World (Burrows); When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit (Kerr); Red Scarf Girl (Jiang); First They Killed My Father (Ung); Heart to Heart (Greenberg); Murder on the Orient Express (Christie); The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald); The Great Gilly Hopkins (Paterson); Walk Two Moons (Creech).
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4- or 5-day schedule. Missing The World Wars (Dowswell), The Story of the USA book 2 (Escher), Wee Sing America (audio CD), Bruchko (Olson). 2 additional titles included to substitute for The World Wars.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: South America (Evan-Moor); Wee Sing America CD; The Story of the USA, book 2 (Escher).
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: South America (Evan-Moor), Landmark History of the American People (Boorstin).
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: World Book CD Rom; Eastern Hemisphere Explorer Notebook Pages (Sonlight), Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze (Lewis). (NOTE: Sonlight now carries Journey to the Eastern Hemisphere (Lotempio) and a coordinating Notebook to replace the CD Rom and Notebook Pages.)
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing 15 out of 47 titles; book list included. (NOTE: Sonlight now carries Journey to the Eastern Hemisphere (Lotempio) and a coordinating Notebook to replace the CD Rom and Notebook Pages.)
Includes Instructor's Guide plus complete set of history and literature books for 4-day or 5-day schedule. Bible component uses Remembering God's Awesome Acts, also available in our library.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for 5-day schedule. Missing: Ancient China Kit, Call It Courage (Sperry), The Sherlock Files 1: The 100-Year-Old Secret (Barrett). This IG calls for the World Book CD-Rom, which is substituted with the Journey to the Eastern Hemisphere book.
Also includes Language Arts F Instructor's Guide with Student Activity Pages. Please do not write on these pages.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus Bible, history, and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: The Usborne Encyclopedia of World History.
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus Bible, history, and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: Story of the World: Ancient Times (Bauer).
Includes Instructor's Guide plus Bible, history, and literature books for the 4-day schedule.
From the private library of Andie Savard.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus all history and literature books for the 4-day schedule.
Also includes Language Arts IG and Student Activity Sheets.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books, and free Book of Time with Timeline Figures 7 (no need to return timeline book or figures).
Missing: The Sherwood Ring (Elizabeth Pope), But Don't All Religions Lead to God? (Michael Green), How to Stay Christian in High School (Steve Gerali), The BBC Manual (Johnson), The Good Master (Kate Seredy).
Includes Instructor's Guide plus Bible, history, and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: Daring to Live On the Edge (Cunningham), A Heart Strangely Warmed (Vernon), Banner in the Sky (Ullman).
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: Living Long Ago (Usborne); Hero Tales (Jackson); Peoms to Read to the Very Young (Wilkin); Mother Goose Rhymes (Lobel); Peter Pan (Barrie); James Herriot's Treasury for Children; Johnny Appleseed (Holland); The Story About Ping (Flack); The House at Pooh Corner (Milne); Richard Scarry's Please and Thank You Book. You may also need 7 Advanced Readers, available at your local library.
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus history and literature books for the 4-day schedule. Missing: Wild Places (Usborne); The Llama Who Had No Pajama (Hoberman); The Real Mother Goose (Maccarone); James Herriot's Treasury for Children; The Story of Dr. Doolittle (Lofting); The Story About Ping (Flack); Twenty and Ten (Bishop); Richard Scarry's Please and Thank You Book.
Choose a Sonlight Reader collection from our library to add student reading.
Pieces shaped like individual countries/ states. Finished puzzle: 3 x 1 1/2 feet
From the private library of Andie Savard
Includes Language Arts 1 Instructor's Guide with student Activity Sheets (first 2, out of 86, completed) and readers booklist plus I Can Read It books 2 & 3 and Word List.
Coordinates with, but not limited to, Sonlight Core A or B.
Coordinates with, but not limited to, Sonlight Core 3/D.
Includes Instructor's Guide, language arts program with a few activity sheets, and 15 chapter books. Missing Henry and Ribsy (Cleary), Socks (Cleary).
Coordinates with (but not limited to) Sonlight Core B or C.
Includes Language Arts 2 Instructor's Guide (with a few student Activity Sheets) and 8 readers. Missing: The Beginner's Bible (Zondervan) and 9 other easy reader titles, available at your local library.
Coordinates with, but not limited to, Sonlight Core A, B, or C.
Includes Instructor's Guide and 19 readers. Missing: The Long Way Westward (Sandin); Prairie School (Avi).
Coordinates with, but not limited to, Sonlight Core A, B, or C.
2 volumes
Complete set: Instructor's Guide, free Activity Sheets (a few have marks on them), and all 9 reference books.
Includes Instructor's Guide for Science 2 plus Supplies Kit, Activity Sheets with key (first 3 pages completed) and Science 2 books. Missing Science Activities, vol 3 (Usborne); Magic Schoolbus: Inside the Earth (Cole & Degen); and Magic Schoolbus: Lost in the Solar System (Cole & Degen).
Comprehensive Instructor's Guide & Notes and books needed for 4 or 5-day schedule. Missing: Light and Color (Millson), Space, Stars, Planets, and Spacecraft (Becklake), and The Complete Book of the Microscope (Usborne).
Includes Instructor's Guide and books for the 5-day schedule.
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
Includes Instructor's Guide and 2 out of 9 books. Student activity sheets (completed) and answer key included.
Includes Instructor's Guide plus science books for the 4- or 5-day schedule. Missing: Icons of Evolution DVD.
From the private library of Cyndi Hassien.
An all-day seminar on 4 CDs covering the subjects:
Developing your own philosophy of education; How to make your child a lover of books; Teaching history using classical literature- a timeline approach; Creaively design your own family's curriculum.
An all-day seminar on 4 CDs covering the topics:
Expanding your vision of home education; A truly literature based approach; Western civilization and Christian worldview; Curriculum options/ College and or trade prep
An all-day seminar on 4 CDs covering the topics:
A worldview that works; High school at home; Literature- a way of life; Designing a curriculum that's right for you
Biblical Basis; Historical Reality; Current Need
Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education
Includes Score Key and 10 workbooks.
Consumable. No return required.
Includes Score Key and Workbooks 801-806 (of 12). Additional workbooks available at
Consumable. No return required.
Includes score key and workbooks 1001-1010
Disc contains mp3 and PDF documents.
Learning Science with Everyday Foods
by Muriel Mandell
A Unit Study
by Jennifer Steward
A Unit Study teaching children to make good food choices.
by Jennifer Steward
by Jennifer Steward
A Unit Study
by Jennifer Steward
4 pieces: Text, Student Manual, Teacher Manual, and 9-disc Teaching DVDs
Includes Student Book, Training Manual, and Teaching Videos (9 discs).
51 titles for the beginning reader
A complete pictorial history and visitor's guide
Create-a-notebook Bible & History. Includes Teacher's Manual.
3 pages of student book have been written on. No return required.
A unit study by Jane Pofahl
A unit study by Jane Pofahl
A unit study by Jane Pofahl
From the Conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade, by Susan Wise Bauer, read by John Lee
18 CD set, approximately 22.5 hours, unabridged
Year 1, Units 1-4. Includes Pop Quiz CDs and cards for Dads.
Missing Unit One
Year 2, Units 1 - 4. Includes Pop Quiz CD and cards for Dads.
Year 4, Units 1-4. Includes Pop Quiz CDs and cards for Dads.
Reproducible. Please do not write in this book.
In conjunction with My Father's World
Textbook, 10-disc Lesson Set, and Answer Key & Test Bank
Includes 10-disc Lesson Set and Answer Key & Test Bank.
Includes Textbook, Lesson CDs, Solutions CDs, and Answer Key & Test Bank.
2 pieces: Spiral bound Teacher/Student book, 12 disc set contains lectures, problems, tests, and step-by-step solutions
2 pieces: 12-disc set containing lectures, problems, tests, and step-by-step solutions and Answer Key & Test Bank. Tests have been written on.
Includes Lecture & Practice CDs, Solutions CDs, and Answer Key & Test Bank.
Includes Student Book, Answer Booklet, and CD-Rom Set.
Includes 4-disc set and answer booklet
Includes Student Book, Answer Booklet, and CD-Rom Set.
Includes Student Book, Answer Booklet, and CD-Rom Set.
Includes Textbook and Lesson CDs
Includes Textbook, Lesson CDs, and Answer Booklet
Includes Student book, Lesson discs, and Answer Key & Test Bank
Includes Student Book, Lesson discs, and Answer Key & Test Bank
10-disc set plus Answer Key & Test Bank. Some discs not working.
5 items: Student Textbook, Answer Key & Test Bank, lecture & practice CDs, solutions CDs, and Test Solutions CDs.
Solving Mysteries through Critical Questioning
Building Thinking Skills in Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies
Includes Instruction/Answer Guide
Student textbook/teacher notes (1 piece).
Consumable. No return required.
Includes Answer Guide
Solving mysteries through critical questioning
Solving mysteries throught critical questioning
Spanish-American War to Vietnam War.
Teacher's Guide included.
video course and guidebook
3-part video series with Course Guidebooks
The Fertile Crescent to The American Revolution
3-part video course plus study workbook. Please do not write in this book.
Study Workbook, Course Guidebook, and 6-DVD set
The Great Courses two DVD set (12 30 minute lectures), and Course Guidebook
The Great Courses complete 6 DVD set. (Does not include student course workbook.)
A common sense guide to home management and industry.
A creative and stress-free approach to homeschooling
Science Experiments that show God's power in Creation
Science Experiments that show God's power in Creation
Songbook and CD
Memory songs for geography, anatomy, chemistry, literature, etc.
Sparkling Ideas to Introduce and Extend 66 Favorite Picture Books
by Jena Stangl
Includes Student Book and DVD.
Please do not write in this book.
Includes Student Book and DVD.
Please do not write in this book.
Curiosity- the pathway to creative learning
volume 6 in the Original Home Schooling series
Shaping the child's personality
volume 5 in the Original Home Schooling series
Training and educating children under nine
volume 1 in the Original Home Schooling series
Improving Character and Conscience
volume 4 in the Original Home Schooling Series
The role of the parent in the education of the child
volume 2 in the Original Home Schooling series
Developing a curriculum
volume 3 in the Original Home Schooling series
How to discover and teach to your child's strengths
An introduction to Biology, Physics, and Chemistry
An introduction to Biology, Physics, and Chemistry
History Series CD - Five
Includes history cards and memory songs cassette tape.
Includes Teacher's CD
20 Lectures on the Ancient World.
20 CDs.
DVDs 1-7; missing discs 8-10.
Titles: Millennia; Nephilim; Babylonians; Greeks; Vikings; Crusaders; Mayas
2 hours playtime on 2 CD's.
4 CD set. 4 hours playtime.
4 CD set. 4 hours playtime.
4 CD set, missing disc 4. Approx. 3 hours playtime.
by Harold R. Jacobs, Third Edition. 5-piece set includes student textbook, teacher's guide, and test bank plus Ask Dr. Callahan video set (5 discs) with guide.
by Harold R. Jacobs
Lesson Plans, Resources, and Answers to Exercises and Test Masters (2 pieces)
From the Conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade, by Susan Wise Bauer
A Guide to Classical Education at Home, by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
A guide to Classical Education at home.
used at Ventura College
Artists and Their Work
7-DVD set with Historian David Barton
4 French translations: A French Disney comic book, Pierre Lapin & Toto Le Minet by Beatrix Potter, and Le Roi Babar by Jean de Brunhoff.
Includes both Teacher Edition and Student Text in one volume. Please do not write in Student Text. Reproducible.
4- disc set. Recommended by Answers in Genesis.
Share a day with 30 homeschooling families
From the private library of Andie Savard
A practical handbook for teaching your children at home
Teaching Children at Home- What parents are doing and how they are doing it
Journaling through the year for young writers
How to Write Easily and Well
How to write easily and well
Includes lesson plans for WriteShop I and WriteShop II, with options for 1, 2, or 3-year tracks.
Includes Volumes I & II Textbooks, and Vol I Pronunciation CD.
by June R. Oberlander
by Burton Folsom, Jr.
Curriculum Guide CD and book.
Includes Activity Guide and 4 titles: Gladys Alyward; Eric Liddell; Nate Saint; George Muller
Covers Gladys Alyward; Eric Liddell; Nate Saint; George Muller
Covers Betty Greene; David Livingstone; Adoniram Judson; Hudson Taylor
The History and Nature of the American Government
Includes DVD Video lessons, Student Activity Book, and Teacher Resource CD.
Assembles a wide spectrum of material into helpful charts and to enhance understanding of the Old Testament.
Includes an annotated list of books for ages 0-14.