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Mom’s Night Out: Christmas Party
December 9, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join us for a fun evening of crafting and eating yummy treats!
Andie Savard will be leading us in a craft! We will be making book snowmen.
Please bring your own exacto knife with a new blade, and a paperback 300-500 pages (I like 400+). The floppier the binding, the better. Front and back covers get removed, so its ok if the book has damaged covers. I get mine at Goodwill on Wednesdays for $.50. I will bring a few extras, but I find I like mine to be books that I’ve read and enjoyed. Makes the art more meaningful for me.
Please being a treat to share. Apple cider will be provided.
Space is limited for the craft.
All are welcome to come enjoy the fellowship and treats!
RSVP by December 5th.