Overview of ACHEV – Part Three: Our Structure
Overview of ACHEV continues! Can you believe ACHEV has been around for over 30 years? Many of us were kids when the first homeschool moms and dads started this adventure! (Where were you in the early 1980’s?) We learned the group incorporated in 1998, an effort that required much documentation and many decisions which anchor and guide ACHEV as times change. This month, we cover ACHEV’s structure.
Keep this in mind as your read: Every member has a role. Every role is vital.
In ACHEV, we have: board members, officers, coordinators, and participants (working and attending). Together, the Board of Directors and the Officers form the leadership team.
The Board of Directors works to keep ACHEV true to the vision, grapples with the difficult decisions that arise from time to time, and offers support and counsel to the officers. Part of how the board accomplishes this is in relationship with HSLDA, CHEA, and FPM. Board members are professing Christians, typically seasoned, experienced, long-time homeschool parents with passion for the homeschool movement in general and for ACHEV.
Officers manage the operations of ACHEV. Officers are also professing Christians, typically those who have invested in ACHEV through faithful service, value long-term home education, and have at least a couple of years of home education experience. Officer positions include: President, Vice President, Activities Director, Membership/Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and Field Trip Director. The president is also chair of the board.
ACHEV is all volunteer, so all activities and events are coordinated and staffed by members. The Activities Director manages finding coordinators. Coordinators plan, then gather the work crew needed to run the activities or events.
Then, we attend! This may seem like a small thing, but I assure you, participation is crucial for the vitality of the group and fulfillment of the purpose statement. The statement of purpose begins with gathering together. Participation is how we get encouragement and support.
I asserted above that every member has a role and every role is vital. Without the board, we lose our foundation. Without officers, we become disorganized. Without coordinators, we can’t offer events. Without workers, we can’t run events. Without attenders, we cancel events, sometimes at financial loss, but the greater loss is spiritual because we miss out (and cause others to miss out) on the very fellowship we joined for. If you don’t show up, others miss out on knowing you, and you miss out on knowing others. See? Even attendance brings glory to God, through fellowship as we support and encourage each other. Remember the purpose of all this!
We have gathered to support and encourage those who desire to privately educate their children at home. We have purposed that the organization and all its activities and publications will be consistently and forthrightly Christian, to the honor and glory of our Lord God.
Stay tuned! Next month we cover the journey from participating to possibly joining the leadership team. Do you have questions about ACHEV? Send them to Susan Pineda at must_sew@yahoo.com.